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Some things that help me to make my thoughts happier and more productive

1. I use positive words when I speak.
2. I use words that strengthen my mind.
3. I analyze what I did not stand up to.
4. I try to give myself credit.
5. Learn from the past and forgive myself.
6. Think about ways to convert visualization into work.
7. I surround myself with positive thoughts, whether it's visible or invisible.
8. Avoid negative people.
9. I believe I'm the best of my job.
10. I'm looking for opportunities and I’m working for it.
11. Share my joy with someone and feel empathy for others.
12. I'm a blessing to me.
13. I confess my guilt.
14. I read something inspiring every day.
15. I think of happy times at work.
16. I'll find something to laugh at.
17. I create something.
18. I imagine myself in a happy place.
19. Let's start with something small.
20. I realize that no situation is forever.
21. I adjust to the change and want to be more flexible.
22. Don’t find a problem, find a way to solve it.
 23. I take the beauty of everything.
24. Encourage the possibilities
25. I don't want to put my future in anyone's hands.
26. I can change too - I believe in my mind.
27. I have control of my decision.

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